Give Apex Legends a shot, you wont regret it!

Photo by Karina Ramirez

Photo by Karina Ramirez

Alexa Ramirez, Reporter

Apex Legends is a fun and exciting game. Learning how to strategize with your teammates can be the difference than other teams because your communicating where and how to defeat other competitors to survive and be the champion in the next match.

The game is a free battle-royal that was released on Feb. 4, 2019, and that was developed by Respawn Entertainment and published by Electronic Arts.

It has been developing and gaining more popularity throughout the years, it is now on season 10 with a new character named, Seer and a new light machine gun, the rampage.

Also, a legend who is seeking for revenge for his destroyed home, Bloodhound. That’s not all, past legends came with buffs and nerfs so either people are disappointed or excited. It can be played on PlayStation, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows, and lastly Nintendo which is the latest console it can be played on thanks to Panic Bottom Games.

Apex Legends heirlooms are super rare cosmetics that only some of the legends have but the newest legend who got heirloom is Revenant, a killing robot. Heirlooms can only be obtained by through Apex crates and extreme luck; you can be playing since the beginning and still not receive an heirloom.

There are ranked leagues which was introduced in season 2, it differs from the normal Apex game mode. The only difference being the matchmaking and the awarding of ranked points (RP)after every match but after bronze, you can go negative which will bring you down in progress of leveling up and if you continue to go negative, you will go back to the tier or rank you were before.

In ranked, players are matched based on the same tier with placement, kills, and assists which is used to rank up to the next tier or another rank. The ranked leagues are first bronze, silver, gold, platinum, master, and lastly Apex predator and there are four divisions except for apex predator, for example Gold 1 is being the top division in gold tier.

There’s another game mode called arenas which also comes with ranked arenas. Arenas are 3 on 3 with limited guns and a limited area and whoever wins 3 rounds is the champion and for ranked arenas is the same as ranked leagues but just like I said before, limited area and weapons.

There are also events that happen in holidays or just random and sometimes there are legends who host the events, and you can collect new skins and other rewards for leveling up and theirs also a battle pass in each season for 3 months! Its super fun and honestly it makes the game more interesting.

This game is really good and Apex Legends is at its peak right now and is my go-to game when I want something competitive and exciting and I highly recommend. It gets bigger and better as more updates are coming. Put down Fortnite and Call of Duty Warzone and grab yourself a drink to prepare to spend hours on Apex.