Serving Our Country and Students at PHHS


Mr. Enciso in his classroom showcasing his dedication to the United States. Photo by Edna Alvarez

Edna Alvarez, Reporter

US History Manuel Enciso, who has served 23 years in the Navy and counting. Mr. Enciso is family-oriented and wants the best for his students.

Q: How would you describe yourself?

A: I would describe myself energetic , passionate in what I do. Hardworking. What else? A little bit demanding. Family-oriented and I love what I do. I love teaching , being in the military and I love spending time with my family.

Q: What accomplishments are you particularly proud of?

A: Finishing my college degree. Choosing the field I choose to teach, social studies and teach high schoolers. I love it, it’s like I’m never working. The weeks go by so fast. Accomplishments is joining the military from the low ranks [as an] officer, to going to the higher ranks and being in charge of a unit. My accomplishment is my family, spending time with them and trying to be a good father and husband.

Q: How long have you served in the military?

A: 23 years and counting.

Q: What motivated you to become a teacher?

A: What motivated me to become a teacher was that I started as a correctional officer then a probation officer. I met my wife who’s a teacher, she encouraged me to become a teacher. Went back to school got my credentials got certified. Then found out this is what I love to do.

Q: How did teaching change your life?

A: In a way, it has changed my life is that I have to be understanding to the students. I learn to not be confrontational with the students. Let my evil go. Calm things down to not get into arguments. It changed my attitude since I was a correctional officer. Totally different and in the military it’s completely different you can curse and yell. In teaching I make sure to take a step back and listen to the students to make sure they are successful. Especially those taking AP and dual credit so they get the college credit.