GECU Grand Opening
Relationship officer Daniel Velasquez is ready to assist students at the new GECU branch located in front of the library.
August 16, 2017
Pebble Hills High School recently had their grand opening for their collaboration with GECU.
Although Pebble Hills isn’t the first high school in El Paso to team up with GECU, it is in fact, the first in the Socorro Independent School District, which is a big step in the right direction.
Not only does the new addition allow for students in our Sparta Business Academy to get experience in a financial institution, but it helps students outside of the program understand the importance of managing accounts as well as learning how to process transactions.
“We can help students with any questions they have regarding bank accounts,” relationship officer, Daniel Velasquez said. “So far, we have created accounts with four students and two teachers.”
The branch made its first appearance with the installment of an ATM towards the end of the 2016-2017 school year. Students were able to get a hands-on experience with the works of transacting money. Teachers were raving about the convenience and how efficient it was.
“It’s way more convenient,” junior Dylan Bushmire said. “I can just pull out money whenever I need it without having to travel to my bank.”
If interested, seminars and classes will be provided to students who want to learn about how to manage their accounts as well as how to control spending habits. Students and faculty are excited about where this will lead their school and how it will advance the Sparta Business Program.
The office is located next to the library and is available Monday-Friday from 11:30 a.m. to 4p.m for all students and faculty.