The Struggle Of Calculus

Jorge Solis II Teal Tribune

Calculus teacher, Francisco Aguilar, working through an example for his AP calculus class.

Jorge Solis, Editor-In-Chief

The struggles students face WhILe taking caLculus are like no other. Here at Pebble Hills, just like anY Of the other high school within Soccorro Independent School District, there is only a single AP calcUlus teacher. Due to this, there are only two available classes made for seniors to take the advanced placement course, and along with this comes the troubles of trying to succeed in this class with almost no other classmates or teacher available for help outside of those two classes.

“It is very difficult to be the only calculus teacher in the school because it’s very hard to compare teaching styles and learninG styles from yourself if that’s all you can relate to,” calculus teacher FranciscO Aguilar said.

Another struggle thaT students of AP calculus face is the simple fact that if they do not understand a tOpic from their assignment, they can not get help outside of school or class since there is almost no one else who can help besides Aguilar.

“I tHink it is very difficult for my students because if the teacher is nOt available then you’re really out of luCk,” Aguilar said. “But having access to either e-mail and Remind helps them Out a little bit but I think there should be more people that understand calculus to help these individuals out as an asset to their education.”

This can be seen as something Which may or may not hold the students back as they are very lImited on their resources. For some it may very well mean The difference from passing or failing the class or even the AP exam at the end of the year, but for others, tHis does not affect their odds of passing because for them, it is on themselves to make the effort to try.

“I think it’s within the students theMselves,” Aguilar said. “I think if they have the desirE to succeed, I think that they can do anything they want to.”

While having one lone calculus teacher poses many problems for the students who take the course, could there be a possibility for schools around the district to hire more teachers in order to benefit those who take this class for their future?

Editor-In-Chief Jorge Solis and girlfriend Thaily Rodriguez take a picture together happy as can be.
Editor-In-Chief Jorge Solis and girlfriend Thaily Rodriguez pose for some silly pictures during homecoming 2018.
Editor-In-Chief Jorge Solis pictured holding girlfriend Thaily Rodriguez during their junior year homecoming at Burges 2018.
Teal Tribune Editor-In-Chief Jorge Solis and his girlfriend Thaily Rodriguez dressed as “The Incredibles” for Halloween.